Winners of the 2013 LCPS FALL EXHIBIT
The Lake Country Pastel Society's 2013 Exhibit, "Make Your Mark," ran at the Inez Greenberg Gallery in the Bloomington Theater and Art Center from July 19 through August 23. It was judged by pastel master Albert Handell. There was a three-way tie for the People's Choice award.
Sandra Dowd Best of Show and People's Choice for "Emerging Artist with Attitude"
Kathryn Kobs First Place for "H. Randolph Coffman, 'Randy'"
Cynthia Kath Second Place for "Incoming Set"
Sher Leksen Third Place for "Day in the Sun"
Shirley Peterson Merit Award for "In a Sunbeam"
Dianna Schandorf Merit Award for "Garden Path"
Fred Somers Merit Award for "Long Shadows, Lazy Water"
Mary Ann Cleary Honorable Mention for "Serenity"
Melody O'Conner Allen Honorable Mention and People's Choice for "Lake Harriet Parkway Approaching the Bandshell"
Carol Pruchnofski Honorable Mention for "Orioles and Oranges"
Lisa Stauffer Honorable Mention for "White Snow, White Pine"
Karen Stombaugh Honorable Mention for "Sacred Tree"
Mary Ann Cleary People's Choice for "Morning Light"