Upcoming Workshops
Lyn Asselta Workshop
September 30-October 2, 2024
The Lake Country Pastel Society is excited to host instructor and award-winning artist, Lyn Asselta for our fall workshop. It will be held on September 30, October 1 and 2, 2024 at the New Brighton Community Center, New Brighton, MN.
Information about the artist and workshop may be downloaded from this link, and a registration form may be downloaded here.
Past Workshops
Aline Ordman Workshop
May 13-15, 2024
The Lake Country Pastel Society hosted award-winning Aline Ordman for a workshop in the spring of 2024.
Workshop Description
Dynamic Pastels: Using Abstract Thinking to Create Illustrative Paintings
Painting is learning to see. Often, we paint what we think we see because we all have preconceived notions of what something looks like. However, to really paint what you see, you must break down everything you are looking at into just abstract shapes. Don’t see a “house”, see a series of interlocking shapes.
Aline is known for her vivid paintings and creative use of color. Working from their own photo references, students will transform these into pastel paintings using the principles of color and design. Along with daily painting demonstrations, Aline will emphasize the understanding of color in terms of temperature, intensity and value while translating those ideas using pastel techniques. We don’t have to paint green grass just because that’s what is in a picture. Experimenting with exciting different color while maintaining the value and intensity will serve as a great exercise in helping students expand their color sensitivity. Let’s say goodbye to overworked tight pastels and learn to create loose, bold but still illustrative paintings. Aline gives a lot of personal attention and works to develop the individual style of each student.
Aline grew up outside New York and received her early education at Cornell University in Ithaca, NY, graduating in 1975 with a BFA. She subsequently moved to the San Francisco Bay Area and eventually attended The Academy of Art College (now University) in San Francisco receiving an additional BFA in illustration. Upon graduation she taught figure drawing there for about 8 years before moving to New England, specifically the Upper Valley of Vermont and New Hampshire.
Aline is a Master Pastelist with the Pastel Society of America, an Eminent Pastelist with the International Association of Pastel societies, a Signature Member of The American Impressionist Society and a Signature Member of the Oil Painters of America. Her work has appeared in various publications, receiving awards in the Pastel Journals, including the Founders Award. She is a featured artist in this year’s February issue. In 2017 she received the Prix de Pastel in the International Association of Pastel Society’s National Juried Exhibition.
Aline currently lives in Vermont and teaches workshops throughout the country and Europe. Her studio is in Quechee, Vermont and her work can be seen in Camden Falls Gallery in Camden, Maine and The Blue Heron Gallery in Wellfleet, Massachussetts.
Her website is www.alineordman.com.
The workshop was held at the New Brighton Community Center, New Brighton, MN.
LCPS Fall Workshop
Interpreting Values and Shapes"
with Desmond O'Hagan.
October 9-11, 2023
Desmond O'Hagan is an award-winning artist who has exhibited nationally and internationally. He is listed in Who's Who in American Art, is a Master Pastelist with the Pastel Society of America and has achieved Eminent Pastelist status with IAPS. His work can be found in museums and private collections worldwide.
O'Hagan's workshop is designed to help participants reach their next level in pastel painting, emphasizing composition and technique through a more painterly approach. Individuals will explore subjects in a new light, refining shapes and edges with minimal strokes. Desmond works with participants individually to critique and offer new directions in completing their paintings. Check out his website at www.desmondohagan.com.
The workshop was held at the New Brighton Community Center, New Brighton, MN.
Dawn Emerson Workshop
May 8-10, 2023
Title: "The Spirit of Innovation" with Dawn Emerson
This 3 day workshop will present many approaches to painting additively and subtractively using soft stick pastel and PanPastel with mixed media. Underpainting with water mixable oil, transfer techniques, monotype as underpainting, "carving" techniques, stencils, frottage, and much more. The class will expand your visual vocabulary and re-ignite your passion for the pastel medium.
Dawn's playful attitude and energy, together with her love of experimenting, will make you fall in love with drawing all over again! All levels, subjects, and styles are welcome. Dawn is the author of "Pastel Innovations," and has produced 7 instructional dvds about pastel. She is a signature member of PSA and is represented by the PCA (Peterson Contemporary Art) Gallery in Bend, Oregon. Her website is https://dawnemerson.com.
Karen Margulis Workshop - October 12-14, 2022
Rita Kirkman Workshop - October 13-15, 2021
Colette Odya Smith Workshop — May 13–15, 2019
Doug Dawson Workshop, May 13-15, 2018
Fred Somers Workshop, May 2-5 2017
Marc Hanson pastel workshop, September 6-8, 2016
Debora Stewart abstract workshop, April 2016
Barbara Jaenicke workshop, July-August 2015
The Lake Country Pastel Society had the good fortune to have Barbara Jaenicke in the Twin Cities for a 3 day workshop, July 31st, Aug. 1st and 2nd. The workshop was held at the Banfill Locke Art Center in Fridley. The workshop was full with 20 participants, 13 were from our membership and the other 7 were from around the cities and as far away as Chicago. It was a very successful experience for everyone. We enjoyed the workshop and Barbara sold all five of her paintings at the end of the last workshop day. She had brought three smaller pastels, and her two beautiful demos were also part of her sales.
She introduced us to her method of seeing 5 large abstract shapes in a landscape. We did a simple drawing of that and used nu-pastels to apply for a very colorful underpainting. We then applied rubbing alcohol and spread this throughout the underpainting with a bristle brush. The application of the soft pastels over this, allowed for the beauty and richness of the color and light to come through from the underpainting. The results were fascinating and we all walked away with great inspiration to continue our process of experimentation. The last day was a good exercise in minimal stroke experience. She had us do 4 studies of apples with only 20 strokes. Then, we moved on to 4 smaller landscape studies with only 75 strokes. It was both challenging and rewarding to take this exercise into practice.
Richard McKinley workshop, August 2014
Lisa Stauffer workshop, February 2014
Albert Handell workshop, August 2013